Thursday, March 14, 2013

Extreme Pain Checklist

I haven't been up to writing any blog posts lately because sitting at my desk has been too much for me. Thus, I was more than a little excited when Melissa offered to replace the crappy tablet that just didn't work. I was just about ready to burst with everything I needed to vent.

The pain has been horrifying lately to the point where I was ready to panic. That's when I realized that I had gotten lazy about my pain treatment.  The pills had been working on their own so I got into the habit of being a one trick pony and one that waited for severe pain before taking them. That's not how the game is played.

As the title promised, here's an incomplete checklist on how it is played.

1.) Keep up with the routine stuff.
Like most of us, my memory is iffy at best. One of my medications is a patch that has to be changed every 72 hours. How the hell am I supposed to remember that?  Duh, John! You write it down. The calendar where I had been tracking this got buried. I unburied it and I haven't missed a patch change since.

Not all the routine stuff is so straightforward. The next big improvement I neee to make is getting regular rest. Right now, that means saving my work and getting back to it later. It's later now as the threatened pain spike eased off.

Regular rest is a toughie for me. One of the more successful strategies I used for avoiding abuse was to appear to be or, better yet, to actually be, extremely busy. At some relatively recent point,  something triggered that instinct and I found myself going from being good about my rest to attempting to be busy 24/7. I need to back the hell of. Who is going to call me lazy when the person who matters most is trying to get me to do less of some things. Not everything has to be a priority project.

In order to get something done, I am going to break this entry up into manageable pieces.

Next: taking bite sized tasks on.

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