Monday, May 21, 2012

Travel Day: Saturday

I'm writing this completely from memory because I didn't write in my private journal last Saturday. I was too busy hurrying up, waiting and then rushing. There had been a problem with my breakthrough pain meds on pain doc day. Despite the fact that I was days away at most from running out, the pharmacy was out of the pills. I had counted that I would run out of the pills on Wednesday if I took maximum doses and by Friday in any case.

So, Melissa was out on Friday night on a massive search for a pharmacy in the same company that had my pills. She came through as she always does when something is so important. I may bitch and moan on occasion but she is my life partner and true love in truth in addition to being my wife. She's also helplessly devoted to certain things so she walked in the American Cancer Society's "Relay for Life." Thus, she walked over five miles on the night before we left for vacation. She comes through for everyone unless you give her reason not to.

We had a heck of a time doing last minute packing like always. I hadn't slept, she hadn't slept enough and we hadn't done much of anything to prepare until that day. Even so, we got on the road and we slogged through my travel pain. Just as I thought I was going to explode from frustration, we checked in to find the condo and found the condo.

My first reaction to the condo was slight disappointment. The last one (7 years ago) was bigger. Then I started to settle into the place and realized just how wonderful it was. First of all, the balcony was high enough to see the ocean from it. As Melissa moved all our stuff into the place, I realized just how big it was. It was, in fact, the perfect size. I had plenty of room to sit around especially with the balcony.

Unfortunately, we had just completed a three hour drive and I was beyond tired. Every ache and pain from home was there and I had a few moments of despair. With no reclining chair or kitties for comfort, how was I going to recover? That's when Melissa and I found a couple of pillows that fit just right against the wall so that I could rest my head just right. I suppose it was good that my feeling of being able to "take on the world" was tempered before I could get too sick.

We spent some time on the balcony and used the two AC units to make the place into what many would consider a deep freeze. Much to my surprise, I was ready for bed when Melissa was.

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