Thursday, November 8, 2012

Still Coming Down

The only thing more difficult than sustaining a painful and exhausting offensive is stopping the train and finding some way to relax. I played a tiny part in a massive wave that stopped enemies of the chronic pain community from destroying Medicare and so much more. My efforts were but one grain of sand on a massive beach but the entire beach was made up of individuals doing their tiny parts to make the miracle happen.

Some grains were bigger than others. A guy named Eli (last name withheld on principle) never said a word about being more than just another volunteer. He took on extra responsibility but I figured it was just his turn or something. I didn't know that he was doing some big titled job for Representative John Carney. That didn't stop him from making it possible for me to help represent the disabled community along with many others. I knew he was our leader at the phone banks because of all the extra responsibilities he took on. He drove me home from the phone banks twice when I became hopelessly symptomatic. Why not? He was just the right hand man to a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives. I'm stunned.

I'm having a laugh because I tend to feel impostor syndrome when I find out I've been working with someone like that. I feel like a phony volunteer because I wasn't the best of us all. At this moment, the impostor syndrome is losing badly. I can't fathom that this effort was one iota less than what I was capable of doing when I'm on the verge of collapse more than 24 hours after it was over. I cannot deny the pride I feel at hearing my President thank his volunteers. I was a molecule of well made steel sharpened at the tip of Obama's ground game. Violent imagery doesn't apply here so I'm not taking that further except to say that I was one of the many.

Thankfully, quite a few hours have passed since the previous paragraph. I slept, I slept deepy and I slept for a good long time. It felt awfully good to wake up afterward and have some dinner with Melissa. That was a big step in coming down. Unfortunately, I nearly forgot the next big rule. The reason why I needed to come down was that I needed to rest a good while. It's too soon for major projects or long efforts writing. I'm still in an abnormal amount of pain so I'm going to logoff here.

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